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[seoengine-vc-infotext color=”#48d4c2″ title=”Keyword Targeting”]Keywords are the search terms that people into search engines. Your rankings are based on the relevance of your page to those keywords.[/seoengine-vc-infotext]
[seoengine-vc-infotext icon_flat=”flaticon-custom-graphic-1″ color=”#e55957″ hovercolor=”#2cc2d6″ title=”Web Analytics”]Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data for purposes of under standing and optimizing web usage.[/seoengine-vc-infotext]
[seoengine-vc-infotext icon_flat=”flaticon-custom-mail” color=”#049ce5″ title=”E-mail Marketing”]Email marketing is directly sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email.[/seoengine-vc-infotext]
[seoengine-vc-title title=”Check Your Website’s SEO Score For Free!” subtitle=”Please provide us with the following information, and we’ll email you the SEO score of your website” css=”.vc_custom_1498038510964{margin-bottom: 50px !important;}”]
SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process of getting traffic from the free, organic, editorial or natural search results on search engines.
[seoengine-vc-title title=”Why Take Our Services” subtitle=”We provide best quality services & customer support “]
[seoengine-vc-infotext icon_flat=”flaticon-custom-graphic” color=”#48d4c2″ title=”Web Analytics”]
Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data for purposes of under standing and optimizing web usage.
[seoengine-vc-infotext color=”#e55957″ hovercolor=”#2cc2d6″ title=”Keyword Targeting”]Keywords are the search terms that people into search engines. Your rankings are based on the relevance of your page to those keywords.[/seoengine-vc-infotext]
[seoengine-vc-infotext icon_flat=”flaticon-custom-light-bulb” color=”#049ce5″ title=”Creative Work”]As a creative professional, you’ll know only too well how important inspiration is for your work. That’s whether you’ve just made a cup.[/seoengine-vc-infotext]
[seoengine-vc-infotext icon_flat=”flaticon-custom-mail” color=”#598695″ hovercolor=”#26C6DA” title=” E-mail Marketing”]Email marketing is directly sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email.[/seoengine-vc-infotext]
[seoengine-vc-infotext icon_flat=”flaticon-custom-share” color=”#ffb74d” title=”Real Content”]Content is king. You’ll hear that phrase over and over again when it comes SEO success. Get your content right, and you’ve created.[/seoengine-vc-infotext]
[seoengine-vc-infotext icon_flat=”flaticon-custom-headphones” color=”#63bc6f” title=”Quick Support”]Simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industr Ipsum has industry’s standardext. Simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting.[/seoengine-vc-infotext]
[seoengine-vc-counter counter_color=”#ffffff”]
[seoengine-vc-counter icon_flat=”flaticon-custom-graphic-1″ counter_color=”#ffffff” counter_number=”3090″ title=”Achieve Goals”]
[seoengine-vc-counter icon_flat=”flaticon-custom-share” counter_color=”#ffffff” counter_number=”2050″ title=”Share People”]
[seoengine-vc-counter icon_flat=”flaticon-custom-headphones” counter_color=”#ffffff” counter_number=”9000″ title=”Dedicated Support”]
[seoengine-vc-title title=”Recent Case Studies” subtitle=”Take a look some of our recent case studies” css=”.vc_custom_1493898371204{margin-bottom: 60px !important;}”][seoengine-vc-case-study slider_item_number=”5″ slider_autoplay_speed=”200″]
[seoengine-vc-cta theme=”light” title=”Tm90JTIwRW5vdWdoJTIwRm9yJTIwWW91ciUyMFNFTyUyME5lZWRzJTNG” subtitle=”V2FudCUyMHRvJTIwYWRkJTIwbW9yZSUyMHByb2plY3RzJTJGJTIwa2V5d29yZHMlMkYlMjBwYWdlcyUyMHRvJTIwYW5hbHl6ZSUzRg==” buttontext=”Premium Features” buttonurl=”#”]
[seoengine-vc-title title=”Our Pricing Plans” subtitle=”Choose from our most affordable pricing plans” css=”.vc_custom_1493894778197{margin-bottom: 60px !important;}”]
[seoengine-vc-pricing title=”REGULAR” price=”$39″ features=”5 Campaigns
300 Keyword Rankings
250,000 Crawled Pages
1,000 Keyword Reports
BLANK” btntext=”Subscribe” btnurl=”#”]
300 Keyword Rankings
250,000 Crawled Pages
1,000 Keyword Reports
BLANK” btntext=”Subscribe” btnurl=”#”]
[seoengine-vc-pricing bgcolor=”#ef5350″ features=”10 Campaigns
750 Keyword Rankings
500,000 Crawled Pages
5,000 Keyword Reports
Email Support
BLANK” btntext=”Subscribe” btnurl=”#”]
750 Keyword Rankings
500,000 Crawled Pages
5,000 Keyword Reports
Email Support
BLANK” btntext=”Subscribe” btnurl=”#”]
[seoengine-vc-pricing bgcolor=”#039be5″ title=”PREMUIM” price=”$99″ features=”25 Campaigns
1,900 Keyword Rankings
1,250,000 Crawled Pages
15,000 Keyword Reports
Email Support
Live chat Support” btntext=”Subscribe” btnurl=”#”]
1,900 Keyword Rankings
1,250,000 Crawled Pages
15,000 Keyword Reports
Email Support
Live chat Support” btntext=”Subscribe” btnurl=”#”]
[seoengine-vc-testimonial number=”-1″ color=”#ffffff” slider_autoplay_speed=”200″]
[seoengine-vc-title title=”Latest Blogs” subtitle=”Read our blog posts to get more resources about SEO” css=”.vc_custom_1493898652173{margin-bottom: 60px !important;}”][seoengine-vc-posts bgcolor=”#ffffff”]
[seoengine-vc-cta title=”UmVhZHklMjBUbyUyMFByb21vdGUlMjBZb3VyJTIwd2Vic2l0ZSUyME9ubGluZSUzRg==” buttontext=”Premium Features” buttonurl=”#”]